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Paris tops the global University Cities list 3240

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The European Times,According to QS(Quacquarelli Symonds), a British research firm specializing in university rankings, the first university city rankings were released on Tuesday,Paris tops the global university city rankings,Ahead of London, Boston and Melbourne。

Paris topped the list with 421, ahead of London (405), Boston (399), Melbourne (398) and Vienna (389), AFP reported.。

In addition to the capital, two other French cities also made the Top 50 list: Lyon (14th with 367 points) and Toulouse (46th with 286 points).。

Traditional university rankings, including QS's, are overwhelmingly dominated by US and UK universities, and seven of the top 15 in the "QS2012 Best University Cities" list are continental European cities (Paris, Vienna, Zurich, Berlin, Barcelona, Munich and Lyon).。

This ranking is different from the traditional academic ranking, in addition to academics, there are four criteria。These are the size of the student population (Chinese and foreign), the quality of life, employers' perceptions of graduates, and the cost (or affordability) of studying and living with students.。
"Paris beats London in terms of affordability, quality of life and the reputation of its universities in the eyes of multinational employers。Paris is home to 16 of the world's top 500 universities, more than any other city。"One of the main sites “topuniversities.Dani Byrne, head of com, explained: "What is surprising is the results of continental Europe, which is generally low ranked but has a more egalitarian and less selective education system than the UK and US。”
"We want to promote a new kind of league table focused on university students, because quality of life, prestige in the eyes of employers and affordability of education are very telling to them," Byrne added。”
Professor Yu Son of the University of Paris commented, "The structure of French universities has long suffered from severe fragmentation and fragmentation。"But when you add up the number of universities, Paris is at the top of the league table, the registration fee is not high, and it suddenly appears superior.。”
Registration fees in France are €177 for a bachelor's degree and €245 for a master's degree。In comparison, the UK is much higher, with a bachelor's degree costing 3,000 to 4,000 euros and a master's degree up to 10,000 euros。
"The annual registration fee in Paris, Vienna, Zurich and Berlin is less than $1,000, compared to $30,000 in the United States。”