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Popular majors in Germany - Architecture 3774

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Architects are not only responsible for the planning, design and construction of residential, public and industrial buildings (tall buildings), they also work in the field of integrated urban construction facilities and urban renewal。These work must take into account not only technical structural, artistic, economic and architectural legal requirements, but also the needs of people in the process of living, studying, working and resting。On the one hand, the shape of art, on the other hand, the successful transformation of technology and economy, both of which are very important。

Urban construction (including district planning) can be understood as the guidance of the development of the architectural and spatial planning of a certain area, and it also involves various aspects such as transportation, energy supply, garbage disposal, land regulations, and the protection of natural and land resources。Therefore, town builders (urban planners) must understand and fully consider the interaction between political, social, economic and technological issues。As professionals, they advise clients and propose a variety of different solutions to choose from。

Interior Design (Innenarchitektur) is a major in architectural design in Germany。This major has a long history and strong faculty in Germany。The content of study includes the decoration design of private rooms, shops, shopping plazas and large-scale exhibitions;As well as schools, hospitals, private clinics, nursing homes and other different institutions to carry out targeted layout planning。After completing their studies, students have the ability to provide preliminary consultation to independently complete design tasks and implement them according to the requirements of different clients。

Architects can work for architectural offices as employees or as freelancers; in either capacity, their focus is on the design, planning and supervision of individual buildings through to the construction plans of entire towns。Consulting for owners or clients is also part of their work。In a building entity, architects are responsible for the construction plan of the building, they calculate the cost and supervise the entire construction process。In construction companies or large corporations such as Deutsche Bahn AG and Deutsche Post AG, architects are responsible for ensuring the maintenance of buildings, or for setting certain rules for companies that undertake construction tasks。In public administration agencies such as urban construction bureaus, architects are also engaged in such work。They are also responsible for urban planning there。

School recommendation:Uni Kassel University, Uni Weimar University, Uni Siegen University of Siegen, TUAachen Aachen, TU Berlin Berlin, Uni Hannover University of Hannover, TU Muenchen Munchen