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What are the top 200 universities in Germany 4272

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Rieter University,The first batch of overseas study institutions certified by the Ministry of Education,Accredited by the world's top ICEF Education Exhibiting Organization (Screened Agency),Member of the National Overseas Study Agency Service Alliance (COSSA),Member of Beijing Overseas Study Service Industry Association (BOSSA),China Education Association for International Exchange self-funded study abroad intermediary service branch director unit,More than 10 years of experience in overseas study and immigration services,We have helped thousands of students achieve their dreams of studying abroad and finding jobs。
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Rieter Overseas editor summarizes the QS and Times global Top 200 universities list for students。Let's have a look。


Technical University of Munich /TUM QS 2025 Top 28 universities in the world
University of Munich /LMU TIMES 2024 is ranked in the Top 38 universities in the world
University of Heidelberg /Uni Heidelberg TIMES 2024 Top 47 universities in the world
University of Bonn /Uni Bonn ARWU 2023 Top 67 universities in the world
Humboldt University Berlin /HU Berlin TIMES 2024 Top 87 universities in the world
RWTH Aachen University /RWTH TIMES 2024 Top 90 universities in the world
University of Tubingen /Uni Tubingen TIMES 2024 Top 95 Universities in the world
Freie Universitat Berlin /FU Berlin QS 2025 Top 97 universities in the world
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology /KIT QS 2025 World University Rankings Top 102
University of Gottingen /Uni GottingenTIMES 2024 Top 111 in the World University Rankings
University of Freiburg /Uni Freiburg TIMES 2024 Top 128 Universities in the world
Technical University of Berlin /TU Berlin TIMES 2024 Top 136 Universities in the world
University of Hamburg /UHH TIMES 2024 Top 136 Universities in the world
University of Frankfurt /GU Frankfurt ARWU 2023 World University Rankings Top 151-200
University of Cologne /UoC TIMES 2024 Top 160 universities in the world
TU Dresden TIMES /TU Dresden TIMES 2024 Top 161 Universities in the world
University of Wurzburg /JMU TIMES 2024 is ranked Top 175 universities in the world
University of Mannheim /Uni Mannheim TIMES 2024 Top 187 Universities in the world
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg /FAU TIMES 2024 Top 193 Universities in the world
University of Munster /WWU TIMES 2024 World University Rankings Top 193
The University of Ulm /Uni Ulm TIMES 2024 ranks Top 193 universities in the world